Javascript Reflection.

Banushan Puviraj
2 min readMar 14, 2021

JavaScript has a Reflect object. It is not a function object and doesn’t have an internal method. Reflect is not a constructor. This, Reflect object, provides some static functions which we used in the proxy handlers. Let’s see the static reflect methods

Apply,construct,defineProperty,deleteProperty,enumerate,get,getOwnPropertyDescriptor,getPrototypeOf,isExtensible,ownKeys,preventExtensions, set,setPrototypeOf

Let's check with some reflect static methods with examples.

Reflect.apply ( target, thisArgument, argumentsList)

The Reflect.apply() method is used to call a function using the specified parameter.

Reflect.deleteProperty ( target, propertyKey )

Reflect.deleteProperty() method allows to delete properties of the object.

Reflect.get( target, propertyKey[, receiver] )

The Reflect.get() method is used to get the property from an object as a function. The first argument is the object and the second argument is the property name.

Let's see the example with Reflect and Proxy handler.

In Proxy Handlers, instead of returning target[prop], we can use Reflect.get() static method to return. You can see that in the below example:

This is the best way to return the target index in Proxy.



Banushan Puviraj

The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure